Stains collagen and muscle in just over one hour.
This kit is suitable in lieu of and comparable to various Van Gieson’s staining procedures. Picro-Sirius Red serves as the primary stain producing red collagen and yellow muscle, with black nuclei stained by Weigert's Hematoxylin. Furthermore, when viewed under a polarized light, thick fibers produce yellow to orange birefringence while thin fibers are green. Even without a polarized light, Picro-Sirius Red demonstrates reticular fibers and basal lamina of cerebral capillaries, which often are not observed in a Van Gieson's stain and can be masked by other stained structures in trichrome procedures such as Mallory, Masson, and Heidenhein.
Pint Stain Kit yields between 320-375 slides. Slide Yields assume maximum slides stained per run, maximum runs per use. Actual Slide Yields may vary.
Pint Kit Consists of: Picro-Sirius Red Stain 1 pint, 0.5% Acetic Acid 2 pints, Weigert's A Hematoxylin 1 pint, and Weigert's B Hematoxylin 1 pint.
All kit components are available for purchase individually. Both kits are sealed with a tamper-evident label for quality assurance. All kit components should be stored in a dry environment between 15º C and 30º C. Please review all component labels to ensure correct storage temperature.